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Your Key To Success: Ask For Feedback

When developing a new idea, concept or product, it’s very important to share it with other people. Talk about it with your friends, family, people who you trust will give you their honest opinion. Constantly ask for feedback, take in constructive criticism and try until you get it right.

Especially if you’re not already in the business (like me, I wasn’t working in hospitality before opening LELE’S), have a group of people you can bounce your ideas off to. They can be your close friends, or people already know something about what you’re doing. It can even be strangers: put a call out on social media for testers. You will be surprised how many people will be happy to help.

Asking for feedback is the best way to improve and make sure your products are exactly what they want them to be. Of course, people will have different opinions and you shouldn’t take everything they say on board. Look out especially for:

- Recurring feedback, make note of what people say most of the time. If everyone is giving you the same criticism, they’re most likely right and you should make changes.

- Inclusivity, for instance if a product could cause an allergy or an object is difficult to use for some. You should consider how inclusive what you’re selling is.

- Feedback that confirms your doubts, or that you feared someone would say. If you had a funny feeling about something already and the feedback confirms it, you should definitely take it into consideration.

Another important thing is not to take the feedback too personally. Your business may feel like your baby, but the criticism is not about you. This is general advice that you should learn as soon as possible. Some people might not like what you’re selling — accept that.

Make sure to recognise helpful feedback from a very personal opinion. Let’s say you’re selling salted caramel brownies and one person tells you they’re too salty, but everyone else loves them. You don’t need to change your recipe based on one person. But if it’s the opposite, with only one person liking them and everyone else complaining, then maybe you should change it.

Anything you do, just make sure you ask for feedback. You won’t regret it — it will give you incredible help when developing your own products.

Hope this little reading will help you and yore business.

Lots of love,

Valentina x

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