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3 Simple Ways To Store Food Without Plastic

There are many ways to store food without using plastic and for a long period of time. It’s just easier sometimes to think plastic is the better solution, when it really isn’t. Sometimes, plastic is inevitable and I’m far from being perfect about not using it myself. But as I always say, every little does count and if I can make a small adjustment to my life and be more sustainable, I will.

That’s why I’ve been sharing these little hacks with you, hoping to inspire other people to make little changes in their lives. We don’t all have to be zero waste to make a difference, that would be impossible. But we can do something. So, here are 3 ways to store food without plastic:

Keep All The Jars: since being more sustainable, I started keeping all the glass jars I bought. They’re the most useful item when it comes to store your food, and not only the dry one! Herbs, leafy greens and other veggies can easily be kept on your counter in a little bit of water using a glass jar. This website gives you an extensive list of all the produce you can keep this way! Also, glass jars can be frozen. So, if you have any leftovers, just place them in a jar and freeze it for the next time (it’s also the perfect size for a single portion!)

Cloth and Tea Towels Are Your Best Friends: again, many things we tend to keep in the fridge or buy in plastic bags just because we think it’ll last longer. Examples of these are bread and leafy greens. Instead, arm yourself with cloth and tea towels. If you’re buying your bread fresh, wrap it around a cloth as soon as you come home and keep it in your cupboard. For the greens, don’t wash them right away — wrap them in a tea towel instead and keep it in the fridge until you need them.

Know Your Dark Spots: there is no need to buy big bags of potatoes, onions or garlic. Thing is, it might even be cheaper to buy them loose and they’re definitely easier to budget. The plastic does nothing to maintain the food for longer, all you need is a dark corner of the kitchen or the house. Place the produce in a basket and leave it in as much darkness as you can. And remember, even when you see little sprouts coming out from the potatoes, they’re still good to eat! Don’t throw them!

Hope this will help you, let me know how you get on!

Lots of love,


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